Present (Drama, short animated film)
"Present" is a collaborative project. The story presents a concept "Be present is a present" through a girl's life story with a empty birthday gift box.
My job: I was the producer of this film, and worked on the storyboard/animatic, matte painting and 3D lighting.
"Present" is a collaborative project. The story presents a concept "Be present is a present" through a girl's life story with a empty birthday gift box.
My job: I was the producer of this film, and worked on the storyboard/animatic, matte painting and 3D lighting.
Matte painting
This movie contains a series of montage images which represent the protagonist's life memory.
The director wants the paintings has realistic texture but stylized shape. I used matte painting technique in order to achieve this, using photos collage to define the texture and shapes, then applied colors and more details.
The director wants the paintings has realistic texture but stylized shape. I used matte painting technique in order to achieve this, using photos collage to define the texture and shapes, then applied colors and more details.
Process of photo collage
Final works
Movie Clip